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Understanding Delivery Tracking for Your Small Business

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The demand for delivery services skyrocketed in 2020. Due to this unprecedented rise in demand, delivery tracking software is gaining enormous popularity as a way to keep both business owners and their customers informed about the status of orders.

Providing transparency through tracking

When did it ship? Where is it now? When is it expected to arrive? Businesses that can provide this level of transparency and customer service with automated and ongoing alerts will do well as they give consumers step-by-step assurance their order is on its way.

Delivery tracking software can be easy to implement and customizable for the ways you need to use it. With smartphone apps and detailed dashboards, you can track, calculate ETAs, find the most efficient routes and coordinate all aspects of delivery. Most software solutions will work similarly. For each order, whether it be an item purchased or a service ordered (from a ride to a pizza), the platform assigns a tracking number. This unique ID or code lets you monitor every step of an order. Tracking software sends automatic emails or text notifications throughout the shipping process and keeps your drivers in touch with you.

Choosing delivery tracking software

How do you know what’s right for your small business? Here are a few things to keep in mind:

Pick a service that’s right for a small business. If you’re primarily focused on serving your local community, choose software with features that fit that need. Though the platforms that you review might have fairly robust offering, you can tailor your dashboard and features to bypass any capabilities that could be designed for larger, even enterprise, businesses.

Solutions designed for restaurants. Preparing food to order and planning for daily high demand times adds a unique level of urgency to the delivery process. And while services like Uber Eats and Seamless might take the delivery process completely out of a restaurant owner’s hands, these third-party vendors can eat into already tight margins. Consider whether to employ your own delivery people and work with software that’s tailor-made for the restaurant industry. HungerRush is designed to help restaurants manage routes, communicate with drivers and even ensure to at-home diners that their food has not been tampered with.

Route optimization can maximize efficiency. Small businesses can be strapped for resources, including drivers. So it might be helpful to look for software that not only helps you track deliveries, but also helps you optimize them. Platforms like ClearDestination can help you better plan routes for your drivers, increasing the number of deliveries they can complete in a day.

Start with a free trial. If you’re nervous about committing budget to a delivery tracking service, don’t be. Look for a service that offers you a free trial or even a “freemium” model so you can get familiar with features without any financial commitment. Tookan offers such a model, allowing you to check out the basics like a customer app, seamless payment and an app for your drivers.

It’s all about customer trust

Whether your small business was already handling a delivery service or this is a new direction for your business, delivery tracking software will help you stay organized and on budget and, most important, keep your customers happy.

E-commerce has become the norm. Online order tracking is a must to stay relevant and compete in this digital era. It will help ensure your customers have an excellent delivery experience and could be the key to the longevity and growth of your business.

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